The Journey Of Discovery Visits Geneva - Home Of The IFRC
Water Sanitation Project in Uganda
The Journey of Discovery Expedition aims to raise £1 million pound for the IFRC and their water sanitation project in Uganda. Caption: A man rescues cattle from a flooded area. The recent floodings in Uganda is a disaster of great dimensions. All their crops have rotted away and this is happening in a country where a large part of the population is living under the poverty line (1 dollar per day).
The Journey Of Discovery Visits Geneva - Home Of The IFRC
R to L: Mark Cameron (Land Rover Global Brand Extension Director), Goli Ameri (IFRC Under Secretary General of Humanitarian Values & Diplomacy) , John Edwards (Land Rover Global Brand Director) with Ben Saunders (Land Rover Ambassador & Polar explorer) and the One Millionth Discovery 4 vehicle, surrounded by the full expedition team at Geneva auto show.
Water Sanitation Project in Uganda
The Journey of Discovery Expedition aims to raise £1 million pound for the IFRC and their water sanitation project in Uganda. Caption: A woman collects water. The recent floodings in Uganda is a disaster of great dimensions. More and more people are getting sick from malaria every day.
Water Sanitation Project in Uganda
The Journey of Discovery Expedition aims to raise £1 million pound for the IFRC and their water sanitation project in Uganda. By 2015 there will be several hundred million people without safe access to safe water. Caption: Women returning to their village from collecting their daily water.
Water Sanitation Project in Uganda
The Journey of Discovery Expedition aims to raise £1 million pound for the IFRC and their water sanitation project in Uganda. Over 2 million people die each year from lack of access to safe water. The majority of these are children under five. Caption: One child dies every 20 seconds from poor water and sanitation.
The Journey Of Discovery Visits Geneva - Home Of The IFRC
R to L: Bekele Geleta (Secretary General of IFRC), Dr Ralf Speth (CEO of Jaguar Land Rover), Phil Popham (Jaguar Land Rover Group Sales Operations Director) with the One Millionth Discovery 4 vehicle and members of the expedition team at Geneva auto show.
Water Sanitation Project in Uganda
The Journey of Discovery Expedition aims to raise £1 million pound for the (IFRC) and their water sanitation project in Uganda. Simple hygiene techniques can drastically reduce death & disease caused by lack of sanitation. Caption: A woman in a rural community putting out plates on a drying rack.