Journey Of Discovery: Russia's Lost Car Generations

29 March 2012

The lost generations of Russian motoring would have been gone forever were it not for the passion of Mikhail Krasinets, as Land Rover’s Journey of Discovery finds out in a snowy field just outside Moscow… The expedition aims to raise £1 million for the IFRC's water sanitation project in Uganda. Follow us on our journey and please help us reach our target. Find out more at

Outside Tula, just a few hours South of Moscow, is the most unusual car museum you will ever see.

The word museum traditionally conjours up ideas of large halls, perhaps an audio tour, and lines of exhibits all stashed with information in a host of languages. This museum has none of the above. In fact, to the untrained eye it looks like little more than a large collection of ancient Russian motors rusting in a field.

Owned and run by Mikhail Krasinets, a former Moskvich test driver, rally competitor and diehard Soviet car nut, it's a shrine to Russian motoring but be warned: it isn't easy to reach.

It lies at the end of several miles of heavily rutted and rough off‑road trail, made even more challenging on the day of our visit by three feet of snow and a sideways blizzard whipping across the exposed hillsides. As the snow covered our path on this, a brief stopover on the 8,000‑mile, 14‑country Journey of Discovery, we were thankful to be arriving in a convoy of Land Rover Discoverys, otherwise we may not have made it at all.

When we did reach the top of the hill, the rusting hulks begged the question: was it all worth it? But then we met Krasinets.

His passion and enthusiasm is enormous and while funding may be severely limited ‑ Krasinets runs the collection on little more than his own intense energy ‑ when you dig under the surface here, you find an incredibly unique four‑wheeled testament to an entire nearly‑lost generation of four‑wheeled Soviet engineering.

"I have one model from every year of production from the major Russian manufacturers," Krasinets said proudly, explaining how he arrived here in the early '90s with just 40 cars and now has almost 300.

The jewel in his crown is a 1964 GAZ Chaika. A vast fin‑sporting whale‑tail 4.5 litre V8 of a monster, this was a car for the Communist party elite only. Ordinary citizens could only gawp, and even the few who had the money were extremely unlikely to ever be able to buy one. They just weren't for sale. According to Krasinets only one was ever sold privately and that was to Mikhail Sholokhov, the classic Soviet novelist.

Only one car carried more prestige than the Chaika and that was the Zil limousine, yet the Chaika was regarded by many as the finer automobile. While he was leader of the Communist party, Nikita Kruschev was entitled to the Zil, but preferred the Chaika whenever possible.

And now Krasinets has his own. "It is wonderful," he said, beaming broadly, "not long ago for someone like me to have this car would be unthinkable."

At the other end of the spectrum lies a 1973 Moskvich 1500, a very basic and drab tin box and perhaps the best representation you will find anywhere of what motoring meant for the ordinary Soviet.

But beyond all these, in a prestigious area reserved for Krasinets' absolute favourite, the museum owner's eyes truly lit up as he clambered into his enormous 1974 Zil army truck, a vehicle with which he has his own history having driven them for the army during his national service. With a 5.5 litre engine under the bonnet, this lumbering giant is well past peak condition and yet it started at the first turn of the key.

Krasinets animatedly gestured for me to join him in the surprisingly cramped cab, and then shoved me into the driver's seat. He's not a man to be argued with and nor was this an experience to be missed. Heaving the lengthy gearstick in the direction of first, and dumping the clutch under strict instructions not to let the engine stall, we lurched forwards as snow spun from the tyres and I fought the hugely heavy wheel (no power steering here funnily enough) to avoid mowing down any of Krasinets' prized collection in the process.

There then followed the most hilarious few miles of driving I can remember in a long time as we bounced down the trails around Krasinets' house, neither of us speaking a word of the other's language, yet both united in a common bond that transcends generations and cultures born out of a shared passion for the internal combustion engine.

Back in Land Rover's rather more comfortable and refined Discovery, our onward journey to Moscow proved just how far motoring has progressed. But it had been more than worth the drive to step back in time.

Follow us on our journey and please help us reach our target.

Find out more at



Short daily blogs, images and some short videos are available on an ongoing basis throughout the journey.


To celebrate the millionth Discovery and to showcase the vehicle's unique versatility and breadth of capability, Land Rover's Journey of Discovery will cover 8,000 miles in 50 days from its birthplace inBirmingham,UKto one of its fastest growing markets,BeijinginChina. It aims to raise £1 million for the International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies. The journey will pass through 13 countries ‑ UK, France, Switzerland, Italy, Austria, Hungary, Ukraine, Russia, Kazakhstan, Uzbekistan, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, China ‑ focusing on interesting stories en‑route to provide engaging video, image and written content. This will include joining avalanche teams in the Alps, driving through a Cold War submarine city and even joining a trip into the heart ofChernobyl.


The Journey of Discovery expedition aims to raise £1,000,000 (GBP) for Land Rover's Global Humanitarian Partner, the International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies (IFRC). The money will be used to support a much needed water sanitation project in Uganda(

This is in addition to the three‑year global initiative "Reaching Vulnerable People Around the World". This initiative, launched in 2010, provides additional support for IFRC programmes in over 15 countries worldwide.

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