Jaguar Land Rover: 50 Global Projects Offset 5.2 Million Tonnes Of Carbon Dioxide In Five Years

21 August 2012

Jaguar Land Rover has confirmed support of its 50th Global carbon dioxide offset project in 5 years.

Jaguar Land Rover has confirmed support of its 50th Global carbon dioxide offset project in 5 years, the innovative LifeStraw project which is providing safe drinking water in Kenya.

Over the last five years, working with ClimateCare, Jaguar Land Rover has invested in 50  carbon reduction projects in 17 different countries. Some of the first projects they supported, distributed more than 180,000 new, fuel‑efficient stoves in Uganda, Ghana and Cambodia ‑ dramatically reducing emissions and improving indoor air quality. This had a direct impact upon the health of approximately 1m people in these countries.

According to the World Health Organisation, 1.2 billion people live in areas where water is scarce and they are forced to rely on unsafe sources of drinking water. The LifeStraw project will provide thousands of people in Kenya with access to safer drinking water through a simple purification unit.

As part of its sustainable business approach, Jaguar Land Rover has made a commitment to offset 10 million tonnes of carbon dioxide by 2014. To date, the company has offset 5.2 million tonnes of carbon dioxide through initiatives such as the LifeStraw programme.

Mike Wright, Jaguar Land Rover Executive Director; "We take our responsibilities for meeting our environmental innovation targets very seriously; including reducing tailpipe emissions and improving the life cycle impact of our business. We are working positively towards a lower carbon future."

"Since 2007, we have been investing in carbon reduction projects across the world and we are pleased to announce support for our 50th carbon dioxide offset project: 'LifeStraw', a simple water purification unit which helps to bring safe drinking water to Kenya."

The Jaguar Land Rover carbon dioxide offsetting portfolio of development projects focuses on renewable energy as well as innovative, low carbon technologies and energy efficiency.  

Wind power projects currently constitute 30 per cent of JLR's project portfolio and are responsible for creating 1.3m tonnes of emissions reductions. JLR's support of these projects is helping to provide a vital alternative to fossil fuels, while boosting investor confidence in renewable energy.

Projects have been supported in four continents, from those generating renewable energy through technologies including waste products, biomass, wind energy and hydro power to those encouraging low carbon development and energy efficiency. In all, JLR support has directly reduced emissions by more than 5 million tonnes.


For further information please visit our media website ( or contact:

Nick O'Donnell, JLR Corporate Communications
T: +44 (0) 7825 115951

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Notes to editors 

  • ClimateCare is JLR's CO2 offsetting provider ‑ an independent, 'profit for purpose' organisation committed to creating intelligent streams of finance to fund large scale emissions reduction and development projects. 

ClimateCare ensures that every project makes significant carbon reductions through innovative technology, whilst improving the health and wellbeing of local communities, and where possible, catalysing local entrepreneurial activity and generate employment. For more information about ClimateCare: 

  • Jaguar Land Rover has the automotive industry's most significant CO2 off‑setting programme generating emission reductions in developing countries that offset our production lines in the UK and the first 45,000 miles of every new Land Rover sold in 10 markets worldwide. These projects also deliver multiple positive health and socio‑economic outcomes to the project communities around the world. 
  • Jaguar Land Rover finances a myriad of large scale, high impact development projects around the world, including a significant proportion of renewable energy schemes. 
  • CO2 off‑setting represents a central part of our carbon reduction strategy. Pound for pound, it allows us to achieve a greater impact than any other approach.