

29 May 2012

Five photographers in five cities with five Land Rover vehicles was the inspiration behind Land Rover North America's innovative photography project to launch its official Tumblr site ‑ In the fourth of a series of interviews with the featured photographers, we ask British‑born and New York‑based fashion photographer Frances

Tulk‑Hart about capturing images of the iconic New York City skyline and her trip upstate in a Range Rover Autobiography.




1. A black Range Rover Autobiography on a gray and drizzly New York day. How challenging was that?


That was definitely a bit of a challenge for me as I love using the sun and its reflections in my photography, but the fog actually created some stunning images. Somehow the Manhattan skyline and the bridges looked softer and even more dramatic.




2. What was your thinking behind the shoot?


I shot in NYC and upstate New York. My story was about a couple leaving their apartment in Brooklyn and going to their country house for the weekend. I wanted to convey an easy‑going couple that have a lot of fun together; they are clearly successful with their two homes and gorgeous Range Rover, but don’t take themselves too seriously. They are a little quirky yet chic. They love their life, love each other and love driving their Range Rover.




3. What was the most fun part of the shoot?


Part of the brief was to have at least a few shots of me, but that’s tough when you’re the one pointing the camera. So I actually dressed my assistant as me ‑ with my old green boots and faux‑fur coat.  In order to not see her face, I had her dive head‑first into the car and so it appears as if she’s just kind of dangling there. I really wanted to try and bring a lot of humor into some of the shots.




4. Did you know much about Land Rover before the shoot?


Are you kidding? Growing up in London, Range Rovers were everywhere and they were the vehicle of choice for the country‑hunting‑shooting‑fishing set. It’s interesting to see how it has evolved from being the off‑roadie‑type 4x4 to a very chic and hip car. They are very eye‑catching.




5. Are you a fan of Tumblr?


Yes, I love it. I update my Tumblr pretty much every day with a new picture. It allows me to have a lot more freedom than my business website. I can post whatever I want without needing to think about who my client is or who I’m trying to attract. Equally important, I love seeing what other people are posting. I find it so inspiring.


You can see more of Frances’ images by going to‑Frances‑Tulk‑Hart.